SMOS Wind Data Service Documentation

The three following documents are available to provide users with necessary information for proper utilization of the SMOS Wind Data Service products.


Document Name


File Name

SMOS  Wind Data Service Readme First Note

A summary of the validation results

The way to access the data through both ESA/SMOS dissemination portal and Ifremer FTP/HTTP

The way to access SMOS wind documentation

SMOS  Wind Data Service Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document

Describe the Algorithms used to generate

  1. the SMOS Level2 NRT wind products
  2. the NRT wind radii estimates from the SMOS wind L2 swath data intercepts with Tropical Cyclones
  3. the SMOS Level 3 wind daily products

SMOS Wind Data Service Product Description Document

Describes the 3 data products generated by the ESA/SMOS Wind Data Service operated by IFREMER/OceanDataLab